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Wednesday, April 1, 2020




          This paper is submitted to the English teacher of STKIP as a partial fulfillment of Requirements for the last Semester Subject.
            The writer realizes that this paper both in language and the content, because it is done based on his/her limited knowledge. Although it is only a simple paper she/he hopes it can help people who are dealing with teaching English in Indonesia especially of  STKIP.
            In doing this paper she/he received a lot of valuable advice and sincere guidance from Drs. H. Usep Suparan, he has been appointed to be writer’s guidance. She/he  would like to express his gratitude to him and also to all members of the teaching staff of STKIP, and to everyone who has been of some help to writer the preparation of this paper.

                                                                                                The writer’s


Preface ............................................................................................................
Contents ..........................................................................................................

Chapter I ..........................................................................................................
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................
1.2 Motivation for choosing the topic ...............................................................
1.3 Limitation of problem .................................................................................
Chapter II Structural Problem...........................................................................
2.1 Part of Speech ...........................................................................................
2.2 Active & Passive Voice item.......................................................................
2.3 Conditional .................................................................................................
2.4 Direct & Indirect Speech ............................................................................
Chapter III Conclusion and Suggestion............................................................
3.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................
3.2 Suggestion..................................................................................................


1. Formulation of the topic
1.1       It is significant to clarify all the words that the writer has written down as his topic. To make it short the writer begins with the words usage in structure. What he means by doing those mistakes are frequently made by the students both in speaking and writing. In this case the students are very likely to make mistakes probably because of the language habits in the mother tongue which are sometimes slightly or absolutely different from English. So the students have the possibility to make mistakes.
1.2       The term usage in active and passive voice and also another structural practice which are compared with Indonesian language.
1.3       In this study, the writer wants to specify the : topic and make it easier to be discussed and understood. He wants to avoid the readers from getting confused. The writer tries to analyze :
a.     Between the active voice and the passive voice
b.     The function of have means the possession have the causative.
c.      Subjunctive sentences
Example:         – The broke the windows (active voice)
                        - The windows we broken (passive voice)

               By doing this we can stick such structure in the students mind, and it will be easy for us to make them understand. If we find difficulties in explaining such structure, we can tell them in Indonesian. So it is clear to us the usage of English structure is absolutely essential to foreign language teaching.


We realize the term is divided into two parts that is :
  1. The usage in structural : - Part of speech
                                             - Active & Passive Voice
                                             - Conditional Sentences
                                             - Direct & Indirect Speech
  1. And translation
But here the writer will not discuss both of them, he limits his study only the structure in English and translation in Indonesian language.


2.1      Part of Speech
We have learn that a sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense. Now words are not all of one kind. For example, we can see that Rama, Lion, table are words of one kind; and that good, brave, black are words of quite another kind. We require different kinds of words to build up a sentence, just as we require different kinds of workmen to build a house. These different kinds or classes of words are called Parts of Speech in grammar.
Words are divided into Parts of Speech according to the work they do in a Sentence. There are Eight Parts of Speech. They are :
1. Noun           2. Verb                        3. Pronoun                  4. Adjective
5. Adverb         6. Preposition              7. Conjunction             8. Interjection

Read the following sentences : Akbar was a great king.
In the above sentences, Akbar and King are Names of persons ; In grammar, we call such Naming-words Nouns.
            Thus a Noun is a word used as the Name of a person, place or thing.

Read the following sentences : Rama kicks the ball.
The  word kicks is used to say something about Rama; namely, what he does. It is, therefore, a Saying-word.
In grammar, such Saying-word are called Verbs. A Verb is a word which is used to say something about a person, place or thing.

Read the following sentences :
Listen to Rama; he is singing. Govind and Ganpat are here. They have come to hear him. He will be glad to see them.
In the sentences, the words in italics re used instead of Names (or Nouns). It is easier and better to use such words than to keep on repeating the names, and say :
            Listen to Rama; Rama is Singing. Govind and Ganpat are here. Govind and Ganpat have come to hear Rama. Rama will be glad to see Govind and Ganpat.
            In grammar, these words, which are used for or instead of Nouns, are called Pronouns. The word “Pronoun” means for a noun.
A Pronoun is a word which is used instead of a Noun.

Read the following sentences : Rama is a big boy.

The  word big tells us what kind of boy. Rama is ; it adds something to the meaning of the noun boy.
In grammar, such words are called Adjectives. The word “Adjective” means added-to.
An Adjective is a word which is used to add something to the meaning of noun.

Read the following sentences : The king replied angrily.
An Adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a Verb.
Adverb can also add meaning to Adjectives and other Adverbs ; as
  1. Govind is very clever.
Here very is added to the Adjective clever to show how clever Govind is.
  1. Sita speaks quite correctly
Here quite is added to the Adverb correctly to show how correctly Sita speaks.
Therefore, we may say that an Adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a Verb, an Adjective or another Adverb.

Read the following sentences : There is a cow in the garden.
In is placed before the Noun garden to show the relation between the garden and the cow.
Thus each of these words in, on, under is placed before a Noun to show the relation between two things. In grammar, such words are called Preposition. The word “Preposition” means placed-before.
In these sentences you see that Prepositions can be used with Pronouns also :
  1. The teacher came home with me.
  2. The letter is from him.
  3. There is a wall round it.
Thus a Preposition is a word placed before a Noun or Pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing named by the Noun or Pronoun stands to something else.

Read the following sentences : Rama and Hari are cousins.
the word and joins the word Rama to the word Hari.
And, but, or are therefore, joining-words. In grammar they are called Conjunction.
A Conjunction is a word used to join words or sentences together.
Read the following sentences : Alas ! she is dead.
Each of the above sentences begins with a word which is used to show some sudden feeling. The word Alas ! expresses sudden sorrow;
In grammar such words are called Interjections.
An Interjection is a word which expresses some sudden feeling.
The word “Interjection” means thrown-in ; and an Interjection is a word thrown into the sentence and does not really form a part of it.

2.2      Active & Passive Voice
Passive Voice
When the subject of verb is the does of action the verb is said to be in the active voice.
When the subject of verb is the receiver of the action the verb said to be in the Passive.
There are only 8 tenses which are used for passive voice :
                                                     Active voice                               Passive voice
1. Present tense                      …….. bites…………..              ……….is bitten………..
2. Past tense                           ………bit……………               ……….was bitten……...
3. Future tense                        ………will bite……..                ………will be bitten…...
4. Present perfect tense          ………have bitten…… …….have been bitten….
5. Past perfect tense               ………had bitten…….             ….had been bitten…..
6. Future perfect tense            …….will have bitten….            ...will have been bitten…
7. Present continuous tense   …….am biting……….. ….is being bitten………
8. Past continuous tense         …….was biting………             …was being bitten……..
Example :
1.                     I                       writes                           a letter (Active voice)

S x am x V III x by x O
                        A letter             is written                      by me (Passive voice)

S x  were x V III x by x O
2.      I              wrote               a letter

    A letter         was written      by me

3. Present Future tense
S x will x be x V III x by x O
      I will           write                a letter            

      A letter       will be  written by me

4. Present Perfect tense
S x has   (been) x V III x by x O
    I have written a letter (Act)
    A letter has been written by me
5. Past Perfect tense
S x had x been x V III x by x O
     I had a written a letter
     A letter had been written by me
6. Future perfect tense
S x will have x been x V III x by x O
    I will have written a letter

    A letter will have been writing by me

7. Present continuous tense
S x am x being x V III x by x O
    I am writing a letter

    A letter is being written by me

8. Past continuous tense
S x were x being x V III x by x O
    I was writing a letter
    A letter was being written by me

2.3      Conditional Sentences
Verb form express many concepts other than time. For instance the – S inflection of the third person singular of the present tense express agreement with the subject (he sings).
Ex : He sings
For another concepts Verb forms express reality or unreality. This concept by Verb forms is seen most clearly in Conditional sentence.
There are three kinds of conditional sentence :
  1. Open conditional
  2. Present conditional
  3. Past conditional
Example  : Open conditional
            Mary    : Are you going out tomorrow morning ?
            John    : Yes
            Mary    : If you go out, post these letters for me please
            John    : If  I go out tomorrow morning
                                    If clause
                        I will past these letters for you
                                    Main clause
            Mary    : Thank you
Note : The if clause (If  I go out tomorrow morning) Present tense
            The main clause (I will post these letters for you) Future tense
The if-clause
The main clause
Present tense
Present future tense

Example : Present Conditional
                        Anne    : Will you buy me a bicycle please, Daddy ?
                        John    : I can’t Anne, I haven’t got enough money, I am sorry.
                        Anne    : Please Daddy, please !
John    : Listen! If I had enough money, I would buy a bicycle for you, but I haven’t got money, now wait till your birthday come.
Check        : Is John going to buy a bicycle for Anne now ?
                    No, he isn’t
                    Why not ?
                    Because he hasn’t got enough money.
                    But if he had enough money, he would buy one.
                    The if clause : Past tense. The main clause : Past future tense.
The if-clause
The main clause
Past tense
Past future tense

Example    : Past Conditional
                  Peter         : Hello Mummy.
                  Mary          : Hello Peter.Were you late for school ?
                  Peter         : Yes.
                  Mary          : Was your teacher angry ?
                  Peter         : No, she didn’t see me come in.
                  Mary          : She wouldhave been angry if she had seen you I’m sure.
Check        : 1. Was Peter late for school ? Yes, she was
                    2. Why not, - because she didn’t see him come in
                    3. Peter’s teacher didn’t see him, so she wasn’t angry; but
                                    If she had seen him.    She would have been angry
                                       The if clause                         The main clause

The if-clause
The main clause
Past perfect tense
Past future perfect tense

2.4      Direct & Indirect Speech
I.            When we begin the sentence with the present tense we don’t change the tense of the verb in the indirect.

Direct          RV  = (Present)  +  Present tense
Indirect        Present + that + present

RV = Reporting Verb
RS = Reported Speech
Example :        Direct   : John says, “The man is dead”
                        Indirect : John says that the man is dead
II.          When we begin the sentences with the future tense, we don’t change the tense of the verb in the Indirect speech.

Direct     : RV = (Future) + Present
Indirect :  RV = (Future) + that + present tense

Example :        Direct   : John will says: I am wrong
                        Indirect : John will say that he is wrong
III.         When we begin the sentences with the Present perfect, we don’t change the tense of the verb in the Indirect speech.
Direct               : RV = (Present perfect) + present tense
Indirect            : RV = (Present perfect + that + present tense)
Example          : Direct             : John has said: I am melancholy
                          Indirect          : John has said that he is melancholy
Note :
In convering from the direct speech into the indirect speech, we have to change the following.



Shall ……………………….....
had written
Have written………………….
had written
has written…………………...
had written
am/is writing…………………
was writing
are writing……………………
were writing
was writing…………………..
had been writing
Were writing………………….
had been writing
has been writing……………..
had been writing
to day………………………...
that day
to night……………………….
that night
that previous day
the following day
last night……………………..
the previous night
go (verb)
did not………………………..
had not
say to…………………………
IV.        When we begin the sentence with the past tense we must change the present tense of the verb the Direct speech into Past tense, also in the indirect speech.
Become Direct :  RV = (Past Tense) x R S (Present)

Example : John said, “I am wrong”
Indirect becomes :  RV = (Past Tense) x R S (Past Tense)

Example : John said that he was wrong

V.          When there are personal pronouns in the Direct speech we must change them so as to express the proper relations.

Example :
- Direct : John said : I am wrong
- Indirect          : John said that he (John) was wrong

VI.        Reported command or requests
In turning a command or a request into Indirect speech, we generally use the infinitive, introduce by the verb tell, order, beg or forbid.
-        Tell     
-        Order
-        Beg
Example  :
- Direct             : John said to him, “Do not (Don’t) talk”
- Indirect          : John said to him not to talk nonsense

VII.      If the Direct Speech be a question, it is changed into a statement and is introduced by a verb denoting a question as ask, inquire of/followed, if necessary by “whether” or by “if”

Example  :
- Direct : John said to me, “Why do you not go home?”
- Indirect          : John said to me that why I did not go home.
VIII.     But if the reported speech states an action as universally or habitually true, the tense of the verb in reported speech remain unchanged.

Example  :
- Direct : John said : “God is everywhere”
- Indirect          : John said that God is everywhere.

IX.        Reported Exclamations and Wishes
Verb omitted in the original exclamation must be supplied in the reported exclamation.

Example  :
- Direct             : John said “Alas! I am ruined”
- Indirect          : John exclaimed with a high that he was ruined.

Conclusion and Suggestion

1.     Conclusion
Since English plays and important role in Indonesia, many people want to learn it. It’s however, worth nothing that there are complains that English is not well taught. We, the students to be, must understand the language well, enlarge our knowledge by means of reading many valuable English books, magazines, newspaper, including those about language inculcating method etc.
By pointing out an essential part of speech such listening, reading, speaking, and writing we try to solve part of the problem through reading and collecting short stories derived from magazine and newspaper etc.

2.     Suggestion
From the result of this investigation, the writer tries to give some suggestions to the English teacher and the students.

2.1 To English Teacher
As we all know, English is an international language. It is used for communication among people from all parts of the world. Nobody will deny the nearly all countries study and use English as a means of communication, for this purpose we as teachers must prepare our students to be ready with the problem.
The writer will try to give some suggestions, especially to the teachers of English themselves to improve the teaching English in Indonesia.
Since reading ability is a part of speech problem. It can be improved only through reading a lot. It can be immediately achieved through reading regularly.
It is necessary for the English teacher to analyze the teaching items of phonology, syntax, form and arrangements of meaning and comparison of the English structure and the corresponding structure of the Indonesian language.

2.2 To the Students
All the students should know that English is an International language. It is used for communications among the nations of the world. Especially the students who intend to continue their study either abroad or in this country should study English well. All scientific material from foreign countries are written in English, so the students should realize the use it as a habit, eventhough it is seldom use in the community. A good habit in reading printed materials in English may help them overcoming some difficulties in learning. They may also enlarge their knowledge by reading the materials. They should study the English sentence pattern as well, because a different pattern may lead to a different meaning. 

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