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Monday, February 24, 2020



Ladies, gentlemen, there has recently been a debate as to whether social networking sites do more harm than good.
Personally, I believe social networking sites are harmful and do have consequences. I have solid evidence to support my statement and so I would like to start with a true story concerning Facebook – a popular social networking site.
Not too long ago, a girl in her teens made a friend on Facebook – a chat buddy. This other unidentified friend didn’t give any personal details and one day this girl and friend met up at the mall.  The girl was never seen again. This is a serious matter because let’s say this happened to all girls – it would be chaos. Another story is that of a suicide because a person couldn’t meet up with another person on another social networking site. People – is our nation known for its numerous social networks which invade privacy and prevent outdoor activity and exercise? Are our students to spend time chatting online instead of studying for future careers which make this country great?
The opposition argues that social networking sites give people their own space and that these blog sites represent fun and socialisation. Well, would we not prefer our children to go outside and socialise and meet friends that they know where they live and they know their gender? Did people in the 60s need social networking sites? In the olden days we didn’t express a need for an online high tech chatting system. Social networking sites prevent youths from spending time with their parents and their siblings. Another issue about social networking sites is what if your child comes across discrimination or cyber bullying? This only adds to depression. If we are to be a happy nation we should restrict these sites to people above the age of sixteen. This is a fairly easy alternative which I am sure the majority of you would vote for.
Overall, the benefits are few and the drawbacks are many – social networking sites are the centre of misconduct, less studying and unsafe blogs. Do we want our youths to have their eyes glued to computer screens or their ears plugged to headphones? We must restrict social networking sites to 16s or above!
From the reason explained above, we can conclude that Get your children outside socialising and inside studying. Please consider what I have said today. Thank you for your attention

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